– Aegina is not only a popular summer resort but also an island with rich cultural life.
– The harbor and the marina for yachts are in front of the town. Café’s and taverns on the seashore offer deliciously cooked international specialties and fresh fish.
– A big chain of super markets offers all standard foodstuffs and beverages as well as Greek and international delicacies of very high quality.
– There are free beaches near the town and all around the island where you can enjoy the sea, the sand and the sun. Basic facilities as deckchairs, umbrellas and refreshments are on offer in most of them.
– Three open-air cinemas show mostly English speaking films.
During July and August the Epidaurus festival gives performances of ancient Greek tragedies in Greek or English. You may easily attend one of them by taking part in one of the groups that leave Aegina in the afternoon and reach Epidaurus by motor ship. They arrive at the theatre by coach and after watching the performance they are taken back to Aegina late at night. Honestly, this is an once in the life time experience.
Aegina was firstly inhabited in 5000bc and since then remains an island with glorious civilization. An important archeological museum as well as the temple of Afaia and other ancient temples are very interesting.
– Auto cars, motorcycles and bikes are available to hire.
– Also taxis, sea taxis, motorboats and other means of transport can take you anywhere round the island and the surrounding areas and islands.
– Finally, apart from the national First Aid Station and the small local clinics there are private doctors offering medical treatment.
Aegina is only 1 ½ hours away from the center of Athens.
There are speed boats every hour from Aegina to Piraeus and back starting early in the morning until late in the evening so a day trip to Athens is possible.